Dear valued customer, 

Prowine would like to thank all of its customers for their continued support throughout the years. Prowine was established in 2004, and after the recent change in ownership we think it’s time to give the Prowine brand a new look to reflect these changes and to align ourselves and values with wider Pinnacle Drinks group. 

The changes will be minimal and really only reflected in a new logo so please don’t be alarmed when you start seeing changes on our documents, i.e. invoices/ quotes/ PO etc. Over time you will also see this change come through in our signages and social media. We assure you we are still the same crew who have been taking good care of your wine, and we will continue to deliver excellent services to all of our clients moving forward. 

We thank you for your understanding and continued support. 


Your Sincerely, 

The Prowine Team